Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Celebrities- Bad Examples or Role Models?

I recently read this article on the "downward spiral" of Demi Moore. She was having difficulty with an eating disorder, struggling with addiction, and is breaking up with her much younger husband Ashton Kutcher. I think that she is one of the celebrities (amongst many) that are not setting good examples for today's society. Since the lives of celebrities tend to be all over the news and in magazines, I think they really have to be careful about the way they portray themselves to the media.

There are many celebrities that could be considered "bad examples" because of the choices they make, but I think there are also many celebrities that can be looked up to. There certainly are celebrities that use their fame for good causes and are part of organizations to help good causes or people less fortunate than themselves.

I think one prime example of a celebrity that is doing a great job of being a role model and setting good examples through her fame is Angelina Jolie. She contacted the United Nations in 2001 for information on  "international trouble spots" and went on missions to Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cambodia and Pakistan, all in the year 2001. Since then she has been to more than 30 countries to help on missions, especially for "forgotten emergencies" that the media's attention has shifted away from but still need help.

Jolie was also not afraid to visit countries that were in heavy conflict. For example she visited Darfur, Chad, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, all in times of war. I think this takes a very selfless person to be able to go to another country risking your safety for the well being of others. She has also adopted three out of six of her children from countries in need.

So, what I'm trying to say here is that some celebrities attract attention from the media for all the wrong reasons, while others use the media for positive purposes. What Angelina Jolie is doing through her humanitarian action is really remarkable.


  1. I totally agree! Celebrities that do wrong things grab the medias attention, when we should be celebrating good things people are doing in the world.
